A Poem Called Alberta by AI.


Prompt given to AI: Write a poem about Alberta in the style of Wendell Berry.

*sounds more like Dr. Suess, in my opinion

In Alberta's rolling hills and plains,

The land sings out its ancient strains.

From prairie grasses to mountain peaks,

A beauty in its wildness speaks.

The rivers rush and winds do blow,

And in the fields the wheat does grow.

A farmer's life is hard but true,

And in this land, it's nothing new.

The oil rigs pump and pipelines flow,

The industry's grip is tight, we know.

But still this land remains so free,

A place where all can come to be.

In Alberta's wildness, we find peace,

Our souls find rest, our hearts release.

For in this land, we see God's hand,

And all that's good in this great land.